Well I realise it has been a while since I've posted anything of any sort on my blog. It's mostly been down to the hectic life of a trainee engineer (exams, coursework). I'm slightly undecided as to how to carry on with these blog posts, but have been toying with the idea of creating a "database" of maths guides for those studying GCSE maths and science exams (or international equivalents).
Throughout my years of education I have always been at odds with the way that these subjects get taught, especially at University level. I realise the insistence on "good math practice" is good, teaching students the derivations of formulas, requiring independent thought as you try to assimilate the knowledge. But sometimes for people, especially at exam situations they want to summarise 10 pages of notes into 1 easy, digestible, set of steps for answering a question.
I wanted to gauge the interest of people in starting doing this, especially as I have time off from University next year with work but want to keep my knowledge in the back of my head. I realise my posts at the time being have very.... limited reach..... but If anybody is interested please let me know in the comments.
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